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Sunday, June 29, 2014

Red Lentil Balls/लाल मसूर दाल की गोली

Masoor dal also known as red lentil, has immeasurable benefits.

This dal does not need lot of time for cooking. 

It helps to control the blood pressure, cholesterol and aids in wieght loss.

Masoor dal is a rich source of vitamins and other nutrients like calcium and magnesium, which are essential for maintaining healthy teeth and bones.

Masoor dal paste can be used as face mask also. For face mask soak the dal in milk then blend it into fine paste and apply on your face for 10 to 15 minutes and wash.

Whole masoor or masoor dal can be used for various dishes like masoor mussalam, masoor dal tadka, masoor dal mutton or Kebabas. 

In our family we make masoor dal ki goli, you can say red lentil balls. It is a light snack for any time. In rainy days we often make it. And we make curry with leftover lentil balls which best goes with boiled rice. 

Usually in this recipe there is no need to add tomatoes but personally I love to add tomatoes. We make moong dal goli with the same process.

Preparation Time:- 
For soaking:- 4 hours 
Another preparation:- 10 minutes 
Cooking Time:-  20  minutes 
Serves:- 4 
Type:- snacks 

ingredients :-

For Balls :-
  • red lentil 2 cup 
  • Salt 1tsp
  • Pinch of soda
  • Ginger, garlic paste 1tsp
For tampering:-
  • sliced onion 2 large size
  • chopped green chili 1 tbsp
  • red chili powder 1 tsp
  • Chopped tomatoes 2no.
  • Chopped ginger 1tsp
  • Cumin seeds 1tsp
  • oil 1tbsp
  • salt  to taste
  • coriander powder 1 tbsp
  • lemon juice
  • coriander leaves for garnishing .


  • wash and soak the dal  for 4 hour.
  • Drain the water again wash and grind into fine paste.
  • Add 1 tak salt, ginger garlic paste, soda and heeng. Mix well add 2 cup water .
  • Transfer the mixture into a non stick pan cook it on medium hot heat till it becomes like a dough. 
  • Make balls with the mixture and keep aside. 
  • Now heat oil in a pan add cumin let them crackle. 
  • Add chopped onion, ginger and green chili saute till tranculant. Add turmeric powder,  red chili powder, coriander powder and salt cook for 2 to 3 minutes. 
  • Add chopped tomato and 2tbsp water cook until the tomatoes gets soft and mashy.
  • Add balls mix well cook for 5 minutes. Switch off the gas. Mix lemon juice 
  • Garnish with coriander leaves sarve hot with a cup of tea. 

सामिग्री :

गोली के लिये:-
  • लाल मसूर की दाल २ कप 
  • नमक 1 छोटा चम्मच 
  • चुटकी भर सोडा
  • अदरक, लहसुन की पेस्ट 1छोटा चम्मच 
तडके के लिये:-
  • प्याज स्लाइस की हुई २ बड़ी 
  • बारीक कटी हरी मिर्च १ बड़ा चम्मच 
  • बारीक कटी अदरक 1छोटा चम्मच 
  • जीरा 1छोटा चम्मच 
  • लाल मिर्च पाउडर १ बड़ा चम्मच 
  • हल्दी पाउडर १ छोटा चम्मच 
  •  बारीक कटे   टमाटर  2
  • तेल एक बड़ा चम्मच
  • नमक स्वादानुसार 
  • धनिया पाउडर १ बड़ा चम्मच 
  • नीबू का रस १ बड़ा चम्मच 
  • धनिया पत्ती सजाने के लिए 


  • दाल को धोकर ४ घंटे के लिए भिगो दें और मिक्सी में  दाल को २ छोटे चम्मच नमक डालकर महीन पीस कर गाढ़ा घोल तैयार कर लें।  
  • अब एक नॉन-स्टिक पैन में १ छोटा चम्मच तेल डालें और दाल के घोल को लगातार चलाते हुए हलवे की तरह पका कर गैस बंद कर दें ,
  • थोड़ा ठंडा करके इसकी छोटी-छोटी गोलियें बना लें

  • अब एक कढ़ाही में तेल गरम करें और जीरा चटका कर इसमें हरी मिर्च और प्याज को गुलाबी हो जाने तक भून लें। 

  • अब हल्दी,धनिया,लाल मिर्च पाउडर डालकर चला लें फिर टमाटर डाल कर मसाले को तेल छोड़ने तक भून लें। 
  • दाल की गोली ,गरम मसाला, नीबू का रस डालें और २ मिनट अच्छी तरह से चला कर गैस बंद कर दें। 
  • गरमागरम चाय के साथ परोसें  . 



  1. This recipe sounds interesting. An healthy protein rich snack too😊

  2. Even we make this masoor Dal pakore ki sabji... however we don't use onion and garlic... looks great

  3. This totally look like moong dal ke pakodi, totallly new to me but really wanted to taste it this new style of balls. This looks absolutely yum 😋

  4. This is a very interesting recipe Hem Lata. Never would have imagined the a lentil dough like the one you've prepared can turn into a delicious looking snack.

  5. Another Interesting recipe from your kitty. Never imagined you can make such a humble dish from Masoor dal.Delicious and filling snack.

  6. Delicious and filling snack. This is an interesting snack with humble masoor dal. Love this recipe.
